Obs: Ikke Nm, Derfor Nedsat. Har Enkelte Ridser.Rarity: Ultra Rarecard Type: Pokémon – Basictype: Metalhit Points: 90Weakness: ×2Resistance: -30Retreat Cost:Attack 1: Crushing Earth – Flip A Coin. If Heads, This Attack Does 10 Damage To Each Benched Pokémon (Yours And Your Opponent’S). (Don’T Apply Weakness And Resistance For Benched Pokémon.) If Tails, This Attack Does Nothing. Either Way, Shining Steelix Can’T Attack During Your Next Turn.Manufacturer: Nintendoset: Neo Destiny
POCKET MONSTER Pokemon Kort | Shining Steelix (Triple Star) 112/105
$225.00 $97.32
POCKET MONSTER Pokemon Kort | Shining Steelix (Triple Star) 112/105
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